Главная » 2021 » Февраль » 28 » MAREX-NA ISS SpaceCam 1 Project
MAREX-NA ISS SpaceCam 1 Project
What is SpaceCam ?

SpaceCam is a software-based Slow-Scan Television (SSTV) system, developed by MAREX-NA for deployment on the International Space Station.  It will be used by future ISS crews for SSTV image communications with amateur radio operators worldwide.

Will I be able to receive images from SpaceCam?

Yes!  SpaceCam will transmit and receive images on amateur radio frequencies, using standard SSTV formats.  Although SpaceCam is capable of operating in several modes, the standard format will be Robot 36.  This format offers the best standard compromise between image quality and transmission time.

In addition to two-way "interactive" operation, SpaceCam provides the following fully-automatic functions:

Transmission from camera at specified intervals
SSTV beacon
"Slide Show" operation from a set of images stored on the system
SSTV Repeater

What equipment will I need to receive the images?

2-meter (144-148mhz FM) radio receiver with an outdoor antenna
A newer PC with SSTV software,  or a dedicated SSTV scan converter
Tracking software (optional, although it helps a lot!)

Please note SpaceCam may be moved to a 70cm (440-445mhz) frequency in the future.

What does SpaceCam look like?

Here's a picture of the current software:

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