Главная » 2014 » Май » 16 » Questions and Tasks
Questions and Tasks

As you work through the course, you will find that presentation of material is constantly tempered by questions.


Some questions are asked in order to check that you have understood a point

you learned earlier in the course. But more often, you are asked discovery

questions. These are questions that you may not know the answers to. This is

part of our teaching technique and is a strategy for drawing you into active

participation in your own learning.


Discovery questions are there not to test you but to provide you with the

opportunity to enter into dialog with the course. They are asked in a spirit of

involvement, nudging you towards conclusions, helping you to make

connections. Instead of being a passive recipient of snippets of narrative, you

are asked to take an active part, attempting to work out for yourself how you

think the narrative will unfold. For this reason, you should not feel intimidated by these questions, or feel that you should be able to answer them all. If you answer a question incorrectly, that is not a mark of failure; look on it simply as an opportunity to learn the right answer.


In addition, the course may include simulations, where you are invited to

practice using the application by completing a series of tasks. If you complete a task correctly, you will not normally be given feedback, but your action will simply have the result it would have in a real application environment. If you do not complete the task successfully, you will either be invited to try again, or the task will be completed for you.

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